

王潇,东南大学青年首席教授,博导,入选国家高层次青年人才项目以及中央高校优秀青年团队项目(骨干)。博士毕业于纽约大学,师从Prof. James W. Canary & Nadrian C. Seeman,随后于麻省理工学院从事博士后研究工作。













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1.    Wang, X.; Deshmukh, R.; Sha, R.; Birktoft, J.; Menon, V.; Seeman, N. C.; Canary, J. W.*, Orienting an Organic Semiconductor into DNA 3D Arrays by Covalent Bonds. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2022, 61 (5), e202115155.  (Selected as Hot Paper)

2.    Wang, X.; Sha, R.; Knowlton, B.; Seeman, N. C.*; Canary, J. W.*;  Yurke, B.*, Exciton Delocalization in a DNA-Templated Organic Semiconductor Dimer Assembly. ACS Nano 2022,16 (1), 1301-1307.

3.    Wang, X.; Jun, H.; Bathe, M.*, Programming 2D Supramolecular Assemblies with Wireframe DNA Origami. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2022, 10, 4403–4409.

4.    Wang, X.; Li, S.; Jun, H.; (Equal Contribution) John, T.; Zhang, K.; Folwer, H.; Doye, J., Chiu, W.; Bathe, M.*, Planar 2D Wireframe DNA Origami. Science Advances 2022, 8 (20), eabn0039.

5.    Hart, S. M.; Wang, X.; (Equal Contribution) Guo, J.; Bathe, M.*; Schlau-Cohen, G.S.*, Tuning Optical Absorption and Emission using Strongly-coupled Dimers in Programmable DNA Scaffolds. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters2022, 13, 1863–1871.

6.    Jun, H.; Wang, X.; Parsons, Molly F.; Bricker, William P.; John, T.; Li, S.; Jackson, S.; Chiu, W.; Bathe, M.*, Rapid Prototyping of Arbitrary 2D and 3D Wireframe DNA Origami. Nucleic Acids Research 2021, 18, 10265–10274.

7.    Jun, H.; Wang, X.; (Equal Contribution) Bricker, W. P.; Bathe, M.*, Automated Sequence Design of 2D Wireframe DNA Origami with Honeycomb Edges. Nature Communications 2019,10 (1), 5419.

8.    Wamhoff, E.-C.; Banal, J. L.; Bricker, W. P.; Shepherd, T. R.; Parsons, M. F.; Veneziano, R.; Stone, M. B.; Jun, H.; Wang, X.; Bathe, M.*, Programming Structured DNA Assemblies to Probe Biophysical Processes. Annual Review of Biophysics 2019,48 (1), 395-419.

9.    Wang, X.; Li, C.; Niu, D.; Sha, R.; Seeman, N. C.*; Canary, J. W.*, Construction of a DNA Origami Based Molecular Electro-optical Modulator. Nano Letters 2018,18 (3), 2112-2115.

10.  Wang, X.; Sha, R. J.; Kristiansen, M.; Hernandez, C.; Hao, Y. D.; Mao, C. D.; Canary, J. W.*; Seeman, N. C.*, An Organic Semiconductor Organized into 3D DNA Arrays by Bottom-up Rational Design. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 2017,56 (23), 6445-6448. (Selected as Very Important Paper)

11.  Li, S.; Wang, X.; (Equal Contribution)  He, Y.; Zhao, M.; Chen, Y.; Xu, J.; Feng, M.; Chang, J.; Ning, H.; Qi, C.*, Design and Synthesis of Novel Quinazoline Nitrogen Mustard Derivatives as Potential Therapeutic Agents for Cancer. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2013,67, 293-301.

12.  Zhang, S.; Wang, X.*; (Correspondence)   He, Y.; Ding, R.; Liu, H.; Xu, J.; Feng, M.; Li, G.; Wang, M.; Peng, C.; Qi, C.*, 18F Labeled Benzimidazole Derivatives as Potential Radiotracer for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) Tumor Imaging. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 2010,18 (7), 2394-2401.